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 Inglés tesauro
FIX [fɪks] abbr.
abrev., avia. fault isolation extract; fixed
abrev., burs. Comfort Systems U S A, Inc.; Financial Information eXchange
abrev., electr. Federal Information Exchange; financial information exchange
abrev., extens. Federal Internet Exchange
abrev., IT Patch file
abrev., mil., avia. establishing position by radio triangulation
abrev., red d. Federal Inter-agency eXchange
fix [fɪks] abbr.
abrev. fixture
avia., canad. A geographical location determined either by visual reference to the ground or by means of radio aids or other navigational devices
jerg. dose of drugs (The addict needs another fix)
fix. abbr.
abrev. fixture
fixed [fɪkst] abbr.
abrev., polím. fxd
: 21 a las frases, 1 temas